salome earwarmer graphic

Salome Earwarmer

Here I go again, making another Salome earwarmer!

Unfortunately the pattern is not available anymore.

But here is the good news.

It’s here on Ravelry and it’s now called The Chunky Twist in Nina Ruth’s Ravelry Store

It’s basically a 19″ tube with a fancy way of sewing up the ends so you get a twist.  I just love this pattern, although I must admit it’s not a quick knit. But it’s a great project to take wherever you go because it is simply knitting in the round.

Knitting isn’t a race, right?  I knit for enjoyment and relaxation.

Yarn Suggestions for the Salome Earwarmer

For this project I used Juniper Farm yarn  which can be found at the WoodenNeedleStore on Etsy and is so soft and warm.

Here are some other choices of yarn that you may like on Etsy that are less expensive but still wonderfully warm and soft.

Aran Weight Yarn on Etsy


I pulled out my favorite circular needle set – Knitpicks Interchangeable Caspian Needles.  I love them because they have very smooth joins and the wood feels wonderfully warm in my hands.  The points pick up the stitches easily as well.

Knitpicks Circular Needle Set

















Here are some more hats and earwarmers to take a look at!



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I am absolutely in love with this pattern.  What I like to do is take all the leftover skeins of the same yarn and start knitting.  When one skein is finished I pick up the next.  Nothing gets wasted!

And…. drumroll please…. there is no need to weave in the ends!  The ends are tucked away permanently, never to be seen again, inside the tube.  So I tied a little knot (gasp!) and clipped the ends off, leaving 1″ tails.  That is a very easy finishing project.  The twist at the end is very special and worth the price of this pattern sold by Nina Ruth on Ravelry.

Here is another Chunky Twist Earwarmer paired with the fun Big Zig Cowl that I enjoyed helping with testknitting.

Salome and the Big Zig

The pattern is by Courtney Flynn and called The Big Zig Cowl available in her Flynnknit Etsy Store.

Since I love Courtney’s work this much, here is a sample of 4 of her patterns that I absolutely love.  I see her work on Instagram and if you are on instagram, you should check her out at @flynnknit.

Okay I am still gushing.  You must check out the Holy Squish Cowl…. isn’t it fabulous?

Holy Squish Flynnknit Cowl

Back to the Chunky Twist Earwarmer….

This is a simple, albeit not quick knit, that makes a great gift and will keep your ears warm on those cold days!  I highly recommend trying this pattern – it’s a great stashbuster too!

You may want to check out some more hats and earwarmers that I have knit right here:

hats and earwarmers



For when you want a hand knit beanie but don’t have time to knit it….

Sh*t That I Knit

Shit that I knit hats and mittens